A Course in Miracles is a spiritual teaching that does not claim to be "the only way." It is based on a thought system and is organized as a self-study curriculum. It includes a Text, Workbook for Students and a Manual for Teachers.
The daily lessons of the workbook do not require much time or a great deal of practice, but they can be effective in undoing the illusion of separation.
The Text
The text of A Course in Miracles is a beautiful piece of writing, and it's obvious that Helen Schucman put a lot of heart and soul into it. It is a highly intellectually sophisticated thought system that combines spiritual inspiration with deep psychological understanding of such phenomena as belief and defense systems, perception and identity.
It is also a very practical spiritual teaching that can help anyone, from agnostics to the most committed religious believer. It is not the "only" way to heal one's mind, but it is a wonderful option for many people who want to learn about spirituality and how to find their own path to God.
The course in miracles workbook is an excellent place to start for beginners, and it will provide you with a thorough foundation on which to build your spiritual journey. It has 365 daily lessons that can be studied at your own pace, and there is no time limit for completing it.
However, it is important to remember that if you are a beginner or someone who has never studied this material before, you may need some time to adjust to the way that it's written and the concepts that are presented. It's a good idea to read through the Introduction to the Workbook before starting, and to reread it periodically throughout your progress.
Another useful feature of the workbook is a section called "A Clarification of Terms" that explains some of the more esoteric concepts and terms that are used in the text. It is a great help to a student who does not understand some of the more complicated concepts in the text, and this appendix can be especially helpful for students who are new to A Course in Miracles.
A Course in Miracles is a spiritual teaching that can be used by any person at any time to bring about greater peace and inner contentment. It is a restatement of the core of wisdom that has been found in most world religions. While it uses Christian terminology, it is ecumenical in nature and makes no claims to being "the only" way to be reconciled with God.
The Workbook
A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system that teaches the way to universal love and peace through undoing guilt through forgiveness. It is written in the language of traditional Christianity, but expresses a nonsectarian, universal spirituality that is accessible to all people.
It consists of three volumes: the Text, the Workbook for Students, and the Manual for Teachers. The workbook is composed of 365 lessons -- an exercise for each day of the year.
Each lesson is intended to influence your perceptions and thus your experience of life. It is a practical, step-by-step approach to transforming your consciousness. It requires a willingness to question every value that you have about the world and to see things differently - through the eyes of God.
The lessons are written in a very poetic, highly intellectual style that draws from sophisticated metaphysical, theological, and psychological concepts. Much of the language is in blank verse and may not be easy for some people to understand, although many people have found that they are able to gain insight and understanding from this type of literature.
There is no right or wrong way to study A Course in Miracles; the training that you undertake under the guidance of Jesus is highly individualized. As the teacher Ken Wapnick puts it, "The curriculum is not fixed or established - there is only free will, which means that you can elect what to take at any time and in any place."
A workbook, like a teacher, should be a person's guide and support throughout the learning process. It should be a place for you to go whenever you feel the need to review the theory of the Course or to find out more about the terms it uses.
It should also be a place for you to practice the principles of the Course, which is to practice forgiveness on others and yourself. It is also a place to receive help from the Course and from other students who are on the same spiritual path as you.
The workbook also serves as a place to record your progress through the Course. You can also post your questions about the Course and get answers from other students. You can also use it as a way to keep track of what you're learning and noticing on the journey toward enlightenment.
The Manual for Teachers
The Manual for Teachers of the Course in Miracles is a workbook intended for those who have chosen to teach A Course in Miracles. It is written in question and answer format, and answers some of the more common questions that might arise from students.
It also includes a clarification of some of the key terms that the Course uses, explaining them within the theoretical framework of the Text. This may be helpful for those who are unfamiliar with the Course's terminology, but is probably not necessary for anyone who has already understood and integrated the Text into their daily lives.
Another important theme in this manual is that of separate versus shared interests. This theme unifies all of the seemingly disparate questions that are posed throughout the workbook. It evolves from the larger theme of perfect unity, which is a central component of all of the lessons in A Course in Miracles.
This is one of the most crucial questions in teaching, as it affects both teacher and pupil. If the teacher mishandles this issue, he has hurt himself and attacked his pupil.
If he argues with his pupil about a magic thought, attacks it, tries to establish its error or demonstrate its falsity, he is but witnessing to its reality (Manual, p. 45; M-18.1:2).
He must respond to a magic thought in a way that gives it no power to make guilty or happy, that affirms its inherent unreality and nothingness. In this way, he can diminish the power of the illusionary idea and replace it with that of the truth.
In a similar way, the teacher of God must learn how to accept and guide his pupils along their path, endeavoring to give them everything that he knows. In this process, he becomes a spiritual shepherd or mentor or guide, a Course in Miracles version of an Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor.
This is an absolutely vital time in world history, and if the Course is heeded, it will be instrumental in helping us to navigate the wrenching/cataclysmic changes that are now taking place in the world so that we can best contribute to the Amazing New World that is soon to arrive on the scene. During this time of great change and transformation, the Manual for Teachers will be an indispensable resource to help us to stay connected to the true spirit of the Course and remain true to our internal teacher's guidance in all aspects of our lives.
The Song of Prayer
Prayer is the single voice Creator and creation share; the song the Son sings to the Father, Who returns the thanks it offers Him unto the Son. It is the Love They give forever to Each Other. It was then what God blessed His Son to be, and it is what prayer will be throughout eternity.
The Course in Miracles is a complete thought system that combines spiritual inspiration with deep psychological understanding of such phenomena as belief and defense systems, perception and identity. It is a revolutionary metaphysical program that seeks to change the student's mind and perception from a world of attack, judgment and separateness into a world of unity, love, sinlessness and abundance.
It teaches that the spiritual reality of this world is not based on illusions, but is composed only of the thoughts of God. It also teaches that the mind is the instrument through which the truth of this spiritual reality can be revealed to the body, and that it is a means of working miracles in the physical world. acim
If we are able to let go of the worldly illusions of attack, judgment and separateness which produce sickness, war, depression, phobias, fears and every kind of malady, then we will be able to experience the joy of pure forgiveness in the spirit of Christ's gentle and holy death. It is the only way that true prayer can reach God who loves each and everyone of us.
When we perceive another as an enemy, we are really seeing our own guilt in that person, and re-framing it as a mistake calling for correction and love. When we are able to do this, then that person will be healed from his own guilt, and will join the song of healing that we can sing together.
This is the learning goal of the first level: To see that your prayer for someone is your underlying prayer for yourself, and that this underlying prayer will be answered.
If we are able to forgive our brother, then we will be able to pray for his release from his own guilt, and that person will be healed from his own guilt, too. When we are able to do this, we will be able to join with him in the song of his healing and we can both thank God for answering our prayers.